Showing 1 - 25 of 69 Results
Oratio Pro L Murena with English Introd and Notes by W E Heitland by Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Hei... ISBN: 9781175301512 List Price: $21.75
Alexander in India a Portion of the History of Quintus Curtius by Curtius Rufus, Quintus, Hei... ISBN: 9781171767244 List Price: $24.75
Short History of the Roman Republic by Heitland, W. E. 1847-1935 ISBN: 9781176983021 List Price: $43.75
Short History of the Roman Republic by Heitland, W. E. ISBN: 9781107621039 List Price: $37.99
Alexander in Indi : A Portion of the History of Quintus Curtius (1879) by Heitland, W. e., Heitland, ... ISBN: 9781164562481 List Price: $19.96
Pharsalia Edited with English Notes by C E Haskins with an Introd by W E Heitland by Lucan, 39-65, Haskins, Char... ISBN: 9781179967806 List Price: $42.75
Iterum : Or a Further Discussion of the Roman Fate by Heitland, W. E. ISBN: 9781316633250 List Price: $26.99
Alexander in India: A Portion of the History of Quintus Curtius (1879) by Heitland, W. E., Raven, T. E. ISBN: 9781436763608 List Price: $24.95
Luciani Somnium, Charon, Piscator, Et de Luctu by Heitland, W. E. ISBN: 9780554751665 List Price: $22.75
Luciani Somnium, Charon, Piscator, Et de Luctu by Heitland, W. E. ISBN: 9780554751696 List Price: $21.75
Luciani Somnium, Charon, Piscator, Et de Luctu by Heitland, W. E. ISBN: 9780554751719 List Price: $22.99
Luciani Somnium, Charon, Piscator, Et de Luctu by Heitland, W. E. ISBN: 9780554751641 List Price: $25.99
Alexander in India: A Portion of the History of Quintus Curtius (1879) by Heitland, W. E., Raven, T. E. ISBN: 9781436930017 List Price: $39.95
M Annaei Lucani Pharsaliae Liber Primus, Ed. With Engl. Intr. and Notes by W E Heitland and ... by Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus ISBN: 9780217173285 List Price: $20.00
Alexandera In India (Latin Edition) by Heitland, W. E., Raven, T. E. ISBN: 9781117415185 List Price: $23.75
Alexandera In India (Latin Edition) by Heitland, W. E., Raven, T. E. ISBN: 9781117415178 List Price: $32.99
M Annaei Lucani Pharsaliae Liber Primus, Ed. with Engl. Intr. and Notes by W E Heitland and ... by Lucanus, Marcus Annaeus ISBN: 9781147821017 List Price: $18.75
A Short History of the Roman Republic by Heitland, W. E. ISBN: 9781154846904 List Price: $40.64
Luciani Somnium, Charon, Piscator, et de Luctu by W E Heitland ISBN: 9780554751672 List Price: $19.99
Luciani Somnium, Charon, Piscator, et de Luctu by W E Heitland ISBN: 9780554751627 List Price: $21.99
Pro C Rabirio, Perdvellionis Reo, Oratio Ad Quirites; with Notes, Introd , and Appendices by... by Cicero, Marcus Tullius, Hei... ISBN: 9781245132183 List Price: $22.75
Alexander in India, a Portion of the History of Quintus Curtius, Ed by W e Heitland and T e ... by Rufus, Quintus Curtius ISBN: 9781235944215 List Price: $19.99
M Tulli Ciceronis Pro C Rabirio Oratio, with Notes by W e Heitland by Cicero, Marcus Tullius ISBN: 9781130587982 List Price: $19.99
Behind and Before by Heitland, W. E. ISBN: 9781107625587 List Price: $26.99
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